Highly Available mount point with Pacemaker via iSCSI storage device on CentOS 7

Posted on Sat 08 February 2020 by Pavlo Khmel

1. Configure iSCSI target server and initiator clients

1.1. Servers

Install 3 servers with following IP addresses. Storage server will use additional disk /dev/sdb for iSCSI.

Add these lines to /etc/hosts on all servers: storage node1 node2

On all servers disable SELinux to simplify setup example:

# cat /etc/selinux/config

On all servers disable firewalld and reboot to simplify setup example:

systemctl disable firewalld

1.2. iSCSI Target on storage server

Install and enable target service:

yum install targetcli -y
systemctl start target
systemctl enable target

Configure target server:

cd backstores
cd block
create my_device /dev/sdb
cd /iscsi
create iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1
cd iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1/tpg1/luns
create /backstores/block/my_device
cd ../acls
create iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:node1
create iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:node2
cd /

Last ls command will show output to verify:

/> ls
o- / ........................................................ [...]
  o- backstores ............................................. [...]
  | o- block ................................. [Storage Objects: 1]
  | | o- my_device ....... [/dev/sdb (8.0GiB) write-thru activated]
  | |   o- alua .................................. [ALUA Groups: 1]
  | |     o- default_tg_pt_gp ...... [ALUA state: Active/optimized]
  | o- fileio ................................ [Storage Objects: 0]
  | o- pscsi ................................. [Storage Objects: 0]
  | o- ramdisk ............................... [Storage Objects: 0]
  o- iscsi ........................................... [Targets: 1]
  | o- iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1 ............ [TPGs: 1]
  |   o- tpg1 .............................. [no-gen-acls, no-auth]
  |     o- acls ......................................... [ACLs: 2]
  |     | o- iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:node1 . [Mapped LUNs: 1]
  |     | | o- mapped_lun0 ............ [lun0 block/my_device (rw)]
  |     | o- iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:node2 . [Mapped LUNs: 1]
  |     |   o- mapped_lun0 ............ [lun0 block/my_device (rw)]
  |     o- luns ......................................... [LUNs: 1]
  |     | o- lun0 . [block/my_device (/dev/sdb) (default_tg_pt_gp)]
  |     o- portals ................................... [Portals: 1]
  |       o- .................................... [OK]
  o- loopback ........................................ [Targets: 0]
/> exit

Check listening port:

# ss -na | grep 3260
tcp    LISTEN     0      256       *:3260                  *:*

1.3. iSCSI initiator clients on server node1

Install iscsi-initiator:

yum install iscsi-initiator-utils -y

Update file /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi


Run iscsiadm in discovery mode:

# iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p,1 iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1

Enable and start iscsid:

systemctl enable iscsid
systemctl start iscsid

Connect the target:

iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1 -p -l

Verify that new disk appeared

# lsblk
sda               8:0    0    8G  0 disk 
├─sda1            8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
└─sda2            8:2    0    7G  0 part 
  ├─centos-root 253:0    0  6.2G  0 lvm  /
  └─centos-swap 253:1    0  820M  0 lvm  [SWAP]
sdb               8:16   0    8G  0 disk 
sr0              11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  

1.4. iSCSI initiator clients on server node2

The same steps as for node1 with one difference.

Install iscsi-initiator:

yum install iscsi-initiator-utils -y

Update file /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi


Run iscsiadm in discovery mode:

# iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p,1 iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1

Enable and start iscsid:

systemctl enable iscsid
systemctl start iscsid

Connect the target:

iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2020-02.localhost.storage:target1 -p -l

Verify that new disk appeared

# lsblk
sda               8:0    0    8G  0 disk 
├─sda1            8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
└─sda2            8:2    0    7G  0 part 
  ├─centos-root 253:0    0  6.2G  0 lvm  /
  └─centos-swap 253:1    0  820M  0 lvm  [SWAP]
sdb               8:16   0    8G  0 disk 
sr0              11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  

2. Installing High Availability Cluster with Pacemaker, Corosync, and Pcsd

On node1 and node2 install, enable services and set password for hacluster user:

yum install corosync pacemaker pcs -y
systemctl enable pcsd
systemctl enable corosync
systemctl enable pacemaker
systemctl start pcsd
passwd hacluster

Now we can use only one node to configure cluster.

Authorize nodes in the cluster

pcs cluster auth node1 node2
Username: hacluster

New cluster name:

pcs cluster setup --name storage_cluster node1 node2

Start and enable all cluster services.

pcs cluster start --all
pcs cluster enable --all

No fencing device in this setup. Disable STONITH and Ignore the Quorum Policy:

pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
pcs property list

Cluster is ready.

3. Configuring cluster LVM resource and mountpoint

Create partition on iSCSI device

[root@node1 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): n
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 
First sector (65528-16777215, default 65528): 
Using default value 65528
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (65528-16777215, default 16777215): 
Using default value 16777215
Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 8 GiB is set
Command (m for help): w

Create logical volume with xfs filesystem:

pvcreate /dev/sdb1
vgcreate cluster_vg /dev/sdb1
lvcreate -L 1G -n cluster_lv cluster_vg
mkfs.xfs /dev/cluster_vg/cluster_lv

On node1 and node2 update /etc/lvm/lvm.conf:

# grep -e 'locking_type =' -e 'use_lvmetad =' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
    locking_type = 1
    use_lvmetad = 0

On node1 and node2 apply lvm.conf changes:

lvmconf --enable-halvm --services --startstopservices

On node1 and node2 exclude vluster_vg from /etc/lvm/lvm.conf but add other volume groups.

In this example:

[root@node1 ~]# vgs
  VG         #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree 
  centos       1   2   0 wz--n- <7.00g     0 
  cluster_vg   1   1   0 wz--n- <7.94g <6.94g

On node1 and node2 exclude cluster_vg but add centos in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf:

        # Example
        # volume_list = [ "vg1", "vg2/lvol1", "@tag1", "@*" ]
        volume_list = [ "centos" ]

On node1 and node2 rebuild the initramfs and reboot to guarantee that the boot image will not try to activate a volume group controlled by the cluster:

dracut -f -v
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Reboot can be longer than usual.

Create cluster resources in one group:

pcs resource create my_lvm LVM volgrpname=cluster_vg exclusive=true --group my_group
pcs resource create my_fs Filesystem device="/dev/mapper/cluster_vg-cluster_lv" directory="/mnt" fstype="xfs" --group my_group


[root@node1 ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: my_group
     my_lvm (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started node2
     my_fs  (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node2

Now filesystem is mounted on the node2. Power off or reboot or disconnect node2 to test cluster.

In this example resources moved to the node1:

[root@node1 ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: my_group
     my_lvm (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started node1
     my_fs  (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node1

[root@node1 ~]# df -h /mnt
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/cluster_vg-cluster_lv 1014M   33M  982M   4% /mnt