Benchmark OSU Micro-Benchmarks

Posted on Thu 28 December 2023 by Pavlo Khmel

The OSU Micro-Benchmarks are a suite of benchmarks for measuring and evaluating the performance of MPI operations.

I will use one of them "osu_alltoall" - MPI_Alltoall Latency Test.

Compile with GCC and OpenMPI. I'm using a module from EasyBuildfro compilers:

module load foss/2023a

Download and build

curl -O
tar xf osu-micro-benchmarks-7.3.tar.gz 
cd osu-micro-benchmarks-7.3
./configure CC=`which mpicc` CXX=`which mpicxx` --prefix=$HOME/osu
cd ..

Run (4 server 1 process per server)

mpirun -n 4 --host server01:1,server02:1,server03:1,server04:1 /lustre/osu-micro-benchmarks-7.3/c/mpi/collective/blocking/osu_alltoall

# OSU MPI All-to-All Personalized Exchange Latency Test v7.3
# Datatype: MPI_CHAR.
# Size       Avg Latency(us)
1                       1.98
2                       2.00
4                       2.00
8                       1.99
16                      1.98
32                      2.05
64                      2.25
128                     2.32
256                     2.88
512                     3.16
1024                    3.68
2048                    5.21
4096                    8.18
8192                   13.57
16384                  21.96
32768                  39.69
65536                  77.38
131072                147.30
262144                335.42
524288                606.57
1048576              1149.29